1 Setup 2 Setup was not able to automagically locate Netscape 2.0.\n\nYou will need to specify the location of the Netscape plug-in directory. 3 requires Video For Windows 1.1e.\n\nYou can find VFW 1.1E at ftp://ftp.microsoft.com 4 If you want to view the sample AVX stream on the Digigami web site,\nyou must install the Intel Indeo codec first! 5 If you want to view QuickTime VR files in Netscape using CineWeb,\nyou must download and install the QuickTime VR runtime:\n\nhttp://quicktime.apple.com 6 requires QuickTime Version 2.11.57 (or higher).\n\nYou can continue with setup; however, QuickTime movies may not play correctly. 7 Setup was not able to automagically locate Netscape 2.0.\n\nYou will need to specify the location of the Netscape plug-in directory.